Hoary Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum incanum) is in bloom in the mountains now and will continue blooming for about 6 weeks. The flowers attract many pollinators. It’s a perennial that will grow in colonies from shallow rhizomes. If it’s really in the perfect location, you might find it growing to 5 feet tall. Native to the eastern US, not including Maine, west to Michigan, Illinois and Mississippi.
The hoary look of the upper leaves is the result of a covering of whitish, short, dense hairs. That’s how the common name came about.
The flowers are white or pale lavender with purple spots, growing in dense clusters. The leaves have a lovely spearmint scent if you rub them between your fingers, and the stems are square like other mints. That spearmint scent is a mighty nice aroma to enjoy on a hot summer hike.
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