And Now Toad Eggs

March 14, 2025

Yesterday I wrote about Frog and Salamander Eggs. In the picture above are some eggs that are different. They’re the eggs of an American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus). I found them in a small stream running alongside the road further up the mountain.

Frog eggs are always in eggmasses. Salamander eggs are sometimes in eggmasses though occasionally they are laid individually or in small clusters. Toad eggs are always in strands looking similar to strings of black pearls like in this picture.


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2 responses to “And Now Toad Eggs”

  1. Thanks for that information. I never knew that about the eggs. I’ll look more carefully next time I’m out and about. I am starting to hear the peeper frogs and that’s a sure sign of spring! Take care, Bren. I always look forward to your posts.

  2. Hi Diane!

    So good to hear from you. I didn’t know that about eggs either, until I noticed the eggs in my vernal pool and began scratching my head. What in the world?!! So very very much to learn about in the world of nature. It makes my head spin.

    I love to hear the spring peepers, but don’t hear them up here. I have to be in the low lands to hear them. Maybe not an issue of elevation but certainly some conditions are not right for them here.

    I appreciate your kind words about my posts. I appreciate so much that you read my ramblings. You take care too!


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