A spring ephemeral is a species of plant appearing for just a short period of time above ground to flower, produce seed and then go dormant. Enjoy these Cutleaf Toothworts (Cardamine concatenata), they are the spring ephemerals I’m speaking of tonight.

Sensitive plants these Toothworts. As you hike the next few weeks you’ll find them blooming trailside if the soil has never experienced heavy construction activities or has never been plowed. It is a plant that cannot survive such conditions. Sensitive.

Another thing these beauties will not tolerate, competition from the invasive Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata). We’ll only see Cutleaf Toothwort for a few weeks this spring. Let’s hope conditions are favorable for them to appear again next year. We’ve got to take care of our natural world.
2 responses to “Another Spring Ephemeral”
Bren, most of your photos are so beautiful that they almost beg to be painted. I think you said you painted. Do you have an online site or outlet for your work?
Dear Nancy, thank you so very much for your very sweet comments about my photographs. I’ve always enjoyed art, and photography is my **easy** way to work on art. I do have some paintings, oil, acrylic, and pastels, but they are not on any internet site. Your comments have given me encouragement to include my paintings, from time to time in my posts. STAY TUNED!
Thanks bunches for reading my posts