Bigger Than A Hummingbird But Still Mighty Small

March 5, 2025

The Winter Wren (Troglodytes hiemalis). Measures in at 3.1 to 4.7 inches in length. Mighty small and actually the smallest Wren in North America. They’re only here in my part of Virginia in the winter and they normally frequent areas more dense than I have here. It’s wonderful to see one and I’m not surprised to find it at the birdbath since they enjoy being in riparian areas.

While they’re here in the winter they are still determined to eat insects, spiders, and pupae but will resort to eating small berries and seeds.


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One response to “Bigger Than A Hummingbird But Still Mighty Small”

  1. OH, how I would love to see this little bird! Wrens are among my favorite birds. I see mostly Carolina wrens here, and I treasure each time one comes my way. I love your posts, Brenda!

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