A confusing common name with so many species of flowers using that same one, including Maryland’s state flower. This particular one is Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia fulgida) which I am working on committing “Rudbeckia fulgida” to memory to avoid confusing myself.

One of the other Black-eyed Susans, (Rudbeckia hirta). Soon soon soon there will be Maryland’s state flower growing up here, this Rudbeckia hirta.
That’s a Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis) sitting atop the Rudbeckia fulgida in that first picture. It’s a small butterfly that enjoys visiting flowers that are the same colors that it sports on its wings.

And those seeds that last into the winter? That is why I don’t clean up my gardens in the autumn. The birds thoroughly enjoy the seeds.
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