Bunnies, Many Bunnies!

Eastern Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus), or simply, a Bunny. They are quite common to see right now, big ones, little ones. They love to eat clover but many other things as well.

If you have a favorite plant with lots of weeds around it, you might consider leaving the weeds. Removing the weeds calls the Bunny’s attention to your favorite plant and it will promptly chomp it down.

This picture shows how tiny the Bunnies can be here (using Granddaughter’s hand for scale).

Fragrant plants such as Marigolds and aromatic herbs are things that they seem to shy away from. Also, in your vegetable garden, wire cages are helpful to keep them away from particularly yummy plants.

Using these simple techniques makes having these critters, the large ones, and the many small ones, pure please.


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