American Carrion Beetle (Necrophila americana). Beetles that do good things for our environment. They’re able to smell decaying flesh from a long distance and automatically take off for a next meal. They eat rotting flesh of dead animals which gives them the name of decomposer. They’ll also eat insect larvae feeding on decaying animals which they themselves are working to consume. They on occasion will eat fungi and rotting fruit.
These Carrion Beetles live in United States and southern Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains. Most adults are about 1.2 inches. Pretty large.
2 responses to “Carrion Beetle”
So don’t smish ( my word) a beetle? They’re a good bug?

Hi Bonnie,
American Carrion Beetles have a very creepy “job” to do, but they are definitely a huge help for our environment. In my book, something definitely to look favorably upon, if you can get past the ick factor!
Thanks so very much for reading my posts!
Sending hugs