Category: Adults eat pollen and nectar

  • Another Longhorn Beetle

    This is a Banded Longhorn Beetle (Typocercus velutinus), notice its colors of deep maple syrup/reddish brown and yellow, and its pattern in that yellow. Two days ago I did a blog post on the Long-horned Beetle (Typocerus zebra). Since then I’ve seen another Longhorn Beetle that looks quite similar. And to add to my befuddlement…

  • One Of The Longhorn Beetles

    A Zebra Long-horned Beetle (Typocerus zebra), chowing down on the pollen and nectar of a Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea). This is what all adult Long-horned Beetles eat, just the pollen and nectar of flowers. Their size is about 1/2 inch. And they are believed to be harmless. The larval host of these beetles are pine…