Category: Asters

  • Common Buckeye Revisited

    Common Buckeye Revisited

    I’m looking forward to my Asters blooming. They are a big draw for an incredibly beautiful butterfly. The Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia). It’s when those Asters are blooming that I get to see the Common Buckeye. As an adult and butterfly they have a life of just six to twenty days. During those few days…

  • Silvery Checkerspot

    Silvery Checkerspot

    Warm sunlight shining through a tiny butterfly wing. Capturing this view of the wings was a challenge. A view that this little critter didn’t want to share. But seeing this, the underside of the wings, makes identification easy. Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis) on Apple Mint (Mentha suaveolens). In this view the hindwing is pale with…

  • American Lady Butterfly

    American Lady Butterfly

    During the summer while my volunteer White Wood Asters are blooming I can count on seeing bunches of American Lady Butterflies (Vanessa virginiensis) sipping the nectar. I see there are oodles of larvae host plants listed for American Lady Butterflies. Asters are one of the plants listed. Purple Coneflowers will also attract them and make…

  • Common Buckeye Butterfly

    Common Buckeye Butterfly

    A beauty in the world of butterflies. Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia). It’s common in the southern states, along the California coast and in central America. Also found in other areas of the US, though not as commonly seen. Here at my cabin I see the Common Buckeye butterfly on apple mint, which is what it’s…