Best Wishes Coming Your Way
Wishing you and yours a very merry day! _______________________ If you would like to receive my daily blog posts by email, sign up here!
Taking Advantage Of The Warm Weather
A Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) enjoying a relatively warm day, with temperatures dropping considerably in the following many days. With water available, and not frozen, birds will continue to use the birdbaths for their bathing which is needed for their health. Bathing helps in preening their feathers. That in turn aids in aligning feathers for…
A Female Eastern Bluebird
This morning I was pleased to spot a female Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) at one of the birdbaths. I was quick and was able to get a picture. Glad of that. They don’t hang around waiting for me to get my camera ready. They’re here one minute and gone the next. Eastern Bluebirds here are…
Just Passing Through
A surprise at the old garden gate. A bird I had never seen before. A Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens) heading south for the winter. Destination Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. Delighted I happened to see it. _______________________ If you would like to receive my daily blog posts by email, sign up…
Another Apple Pie
Hi All! I dug through my posts this afternoon looking for one that I did a long time ago. I was surprised to find that I did my apple pie post clear back in 2013. It pleased me to see what I wrote and I’m thinking and hoping that you might enjoy seeing it again…
Pincushion Moss
Pincushion Moss (Leucobryum glaucum) provides a soft landing spot for a leaf of Red Maple (Acer rubrum). This moss can be found in many spots around the globe. In North America it’s found in the eastern and northern US and further north into Canada. In Europe it’s found in the United Kingdom and Ireland to…
Hints Of A Bear
The remains of Hurricane Helene came through with her wind and rain, leaving many branches and some trees down on the mountain. Nothing serious thank goodness and how nice to have neighbors that travel with a chain saw in their truck. Many of those branches and trees were taken care of before it was even…
A Hungry Caterpillar
Looking to me like a Yorkshire Terrier dressed for Halloween, this is actually a Milkweed Tussock Moth caterpillar (Euchaetes egle), out and about in late summer and now, early autumn. These larvae principally choose Milkweed (Asclepias) or Dogbane (Apocynum) as their host plants. Not to be of concern though. These caterpillars generally go for older…
A Look Into Autumn
A picture taken here on the lane, last year (November 16, 2023) as the Sugar Maple leaves (Acer saccharum) were at their most brilliant. Much to look forward to. ________________________________ If you would like to receive my daily blog posts by email, sign up here!
A Little White Moth
Lesser Maple Spanworm (Speranza pustularia) with a wingspan of 3/4 to 1 inch. Their favorite host plant is Red Maple but will settle for other Maple trees, and many others trees like Birch, Poplar, Fir, and Hemlock. This moth can be found in the United States east of the Great Plains and in adjacent Canadian provinces.…