Category: Caterpillars

  • Turkey Tracks

    Wild Turkey tracks (Meleagris gallopavo) on the lane coming in to my cabin. I knew right away what the tracks were since they were so large. Wild Turkeys are a common visitor around here. They’re mighty big birds that leave a footprint of 3¾ to 5 inches long. BIG BIRD! _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like…

  • A Dusting

    What a delight, to wake up this morning and realize that it is snowing. Already a dusting of snow over everything. Pure delight! This picture, snow gets caught in any spot it can, on the bark of a Persimmon tree (Diospyros virginiana). _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to receive my daily blog posts by email,…

  • Winter Food For Finches

    Leave the seedheads! That’s what this is. Seedheads of Spotted St. Johnswort (Hypericum punctatum). Seeds that finches will enjoy during the winter. A picture from February 25, 2014, when there was snow, lovely SNOW! _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to receive my daily blog posts by email, sign up here!

  • Traffic Jam Resolved

    A traffic jam on the back porch. All those little footprints. Goodness! How many were out there? This was Valentine’s Day, 2014. It was quickly resolved when someone went out the back door. The only thing left, the tiny prints. I love the patterns that are made by the birds with their little feet in…

  • Spring On Its Way

    Daffodil (Narcissus) leaves emerging today. Pushing their leaves up through leaf litter. Leaf litter in which there could be many butterflies, moths and other insects waiting for winter to shake off its snow and let spring go on with her warmer weather. Just a few weeks is all that is needed. A few weeks, sunshine…

  • Wait, Is It Spring Now?

    Last week was just perfect and winterlike. Mighty cold with some snow thrown in for extra drama. As you might imagine, I totally loved it. This week the weather gods have thrown the switch in the opposite direction. Quite warm and springlike. This picture, above, captures my thoughts of what the weather was like this…

  • Footprints On The Back Porch

    There’s been several snows up here during the last week. Little snows with extremely cold temperatures. That makes the snow light and fluffy, and lots of wind too, blowing the snow out of the trees. That’s a bummer, I love to have the snow decorating the trees. Oh well. Maybe later this winter. And here…

  • Art In The Ice

    The yoga studio’s vernal pool was full and thick with decorated ice this morning. Many leaves including the oak leaf here in the artwork. First captured by the wind and then anchored by the water and ice. The cold, and all the beautiful snow and ice takes me to a different world. Just this morning…

  • Rain Tomorrow Night

    Rain drops on Virginia Pine (Pinus virginiana). Perhaps this is will be the look of things tomorrow afternoon and into the night. I hope. _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to receive my daily blog posts by email, sign up here!

  • A Bird Of All Seasons

    The Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is a year round resident, one that doesn’t migrate. Looking stunning all year long, but particularly in late autumn and winter, when there are few colors to complete with their many shades of red. This female Cardinal is enjoying Beautyberry (Callicarpa) drupes. Cardinals and snow. What a perfect combination. _______________________________________________________________________…