Sleepy Orange
If only you could see the whole series of images that this one came from. The series is like a dramatic opera without music but so much movement! Butterflies love this flower, Tithonia rotundifolia. That’s the orange flower that caused the drama. I highly recommend it if butterflies bring you pleasure. An annual plant that…
Zabulon Skipper
Quite the contrast, this Zabulon Skipper (Poanes zabulon) on Ironweed. Gold on magenta. Skippers are called butterflies, but they are not true butterflies. One difference, antennae of a skipper is thread like, ending in clubbed tips which taper to hooks. The photo above is of a Duskywing Skipper with its hooked antennae. The antennae of…
Eastern Tailed Blue
One of my favorites. A very small butterfly. With a wing span of just three quarters to one inch, the Eastern Tailed Blue (Cupido comyntas). As is sometimes the case, the thin tails on the hindwings of this butterfly, above, have been rubbed off. This butterfly, a female, has the tails that are a clue…