Category: Common Blue Violet

  • First Evening Of Spring

    Along a trail, a ways up the mountain above my cabin, Common Blue Violets (Viola sororia) rise up to greet the evening. The first evening of the new season, spring 2023. There are 87 species of violets native to North America, or perhaps even more. Scientists are unsure of that number. Of those species, there…

  • Slow Down

    Slow Down

    Slow down. Take in all that surrounds you. There is so much out there for you to see, if only you would look. Really look. It’s there waiting for you.

  • Our Native Violets, Host Plants to Fritillaries

    Our Native Violets, Host Plants to Fritillaries

    Something important to think about. Our native violets are the most important host plant for caterpillars of many Fritillary Butterflies. And for a good number of them these violets are their only host plant. Fritillary Butterflies fall into one of two genuses. Either Greater or Lesser. And as you might expect the larger of the…