Category: Cultivar

  • Blueberry Bushes in Autumn

    Blueberry Bushes in Autumn

    Some Blueberry Bushes celebrate autumn in an amazing way. The area around my cabin is a perfect illustration of this. Some of my bushes are really kicking up their heals with joy. I can’t tell you which species or cultivars these bushes are. I’ve got between 10 and 15 bushes, most of which were put…

  • Gaillardia


    Here Gaillardias are growing wild in New Mexico, at Bandelier National Monument. A park I’ve visited many times. And hope to visit many more times. And more Gaillardias growing wild at Bandelier National Monument. It seems they’re ubiquitous! It amuses me. My Dad had a thing about digging up Dandelions in his lawn. He was…

  • Wild Peach

    Wild Peach

    Now blooming in the woods, a native to China. It’s believed that Hernando de Soto brought the first Peach Trees (Prunus persica) to North America in 1539. Now innumerable cultivars of those trees populate orchards. Thank goodness for those orchards. Peaches make summer so wonderful. And a tossed seed will eventually result in a random…