Category: Game Birds

  • Woodland Sunflower

    Woodland Sunflower

    Woodland Sunflower (Helianthus divaricatus). An herbaceous perennial that often grows to 5 – 7 feet tall. It’s native to eastern and central North America and can be found along rocky trails and dry open sites. As this example, as it dances in the dappled sunlight shows, the leaves are opposite with a smooth to slightly toothed margin…

  • Blackberries


    Wild blackberry bushes (Rubus allegheniensis) have just finished blooming up here in the mountains. The list of insects, game birds, songbirds and mammals that these bushes benefit goes on and on. Needless to say the ecological benefit of these bushes to wildlife is quite high. Many insects benefit from the pollen and nectar available in…

  • Purple-flowered Raspberry

    Purple-flowered Raspberry

    I had no idea such a thing existed. A raspberry bush with such pretty flowers. Raspberry blossoms of a bright magenta rather than white. Being up on Skyline Drive at just the right time, during bloom time revealed this unusual plant to me. Purple-flowered Raspberry (Rubus odoratus). Since it was growing in Shenandoah National Park,…