Category: Goldenrod

  • Migrating

    Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus) on their way to their winter homes. Coming through, two or three per day on their way south. Stopping for just a moment at Goldenrod, Obedient Plant, or in this case this morning at a Morning Glory. And more migrating. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) also on their way south. Several are…

  • Silverrod Revisited

    Silverrod Revisited

    Silverrod is a perennial, herbacious plant. Its scientific name is Solidago bicolor. “Solidago” in that name means that this plant is in the genus of Goldenrod. There are approximately 150 species of Goldenrod, most of which are native to North America. A few of these are native to Asia and Europe. This one, Silverrod, was a total…

  • Yoga Tree

    Yoga Tree

    Twisting and stretching. In a sensuous way. Accented by Goldenrods (Solidago), Asters (Aster) and even some beautiful Blue-green Wood Stain Mushrooms, (Chlorociboria aeruginascens), in the dark cavity at the base of the tree. You can read more about Blue-green Wood Stain Mushrooms in my blog post:!/.

  • Black and Yellow Lichen Moth

    Black and Yellow Lichen Moth

    A moth that flies during the day, diurnal. A Black and Yellow Lichen Moth (Lycomorpha pholus). Though the name implies the color yellow you can see that this one, above, is reddish-orange along with the striking black with a subtle blue sheen. Many of this species of moth come in shades of not just yellow…

  • Yellow-rumped Warblers

    Yellow-rumped Warblers

    An occasional visitor to my bird bath, in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. A Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata). Fondly called Butterbutts by birders. If you don’t have a bird bath, I sure recommend one equipped with a water warmer to keep the water from freezing during the coldest that winter can throw at you. These warblers…