Category: Native to eastern North America

  • Another Blue Flower

    An unusual flower color. Of all the flower colors, blue constitutes less than 10 percent. These blue flowers are Tall Bellflower (Campanulastrum americanum), native to eastern North America. A plant that grows with a central stem, that is usually unbranched, to a height of 3 to 6 feet. Part of the common name, bellflower, takes…

  • Who Cooks For You?

    Always be ready for whatever might present itself. Always be on the alert. Always have your camera with you, all set to take that picture. And lo and behold, there it was. A Barred Owl (Strix varia). And I DID have my camera. All set! The Barred Owl is native to eastern North America and…

  • Tawny Emperor

    A Tawny Emperor (Asterocampa clyton), one of my hiking buddies that keeps me company as I trek up the mountain. Native to the eastern half of North America from Canada to northern Mexico. Their sole host plant is the Hackberry tree (Celtis occidentalis). Plenty of those trees around here. As adults, these butterflies don’t go…

  • Black Huckleberry

    Black Huckleberry

    It’s always fun to find a different native plant out in the woods. I never even knew that Huckleberries were actually a real thing until I found this bush. Black Huckleberry (Gaylussacia baccata). Along with this one, there are 3 other species of Huckleberry in this genus, Gaylussacia, which are found in eastern North America.

  • Bowman’s Root

    Bowman’s Root

    Bowman’s Root (Gillenia trifoliata) is a herbaceous perennial that grows to 2-3′ tall. It’s native to eastern North America from Ontario to Georgia. Bowman’s Root is found up here in the mountains along the trails. It’s fun to find blooms with their five-pointed flappy star-like flowers. Right now the bushes are not in bloom, although…

  • Soft Magenta

    Soft Magenta

    Just beginning, along trails in the mountains, along the edge of the dirt road that climbs my mountain. Like a soft fabric made just for a little girl’s twirly-swirly dress of emerald green with soft magenta dots. Dancing in the wind, just like that little girl does. Blooms of Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum) are just…

  • First of the Green and Gold

    First of the Green and Gold

    This is what they’ll look like come May, but now just a single minuscule speck of yellow nestled in the green. The first hint I’ve seen of a Green and Gold (Chrysogonum virginianum) bloom this spring. These plants don’t grow tall but do spread out nicely. Don’t be concerned though, their growth is not aggressive.…

  • Meteorological Spring

    Meteorological Spring

    Ah, the change of seasons. How I love the change. How boring it would be if we only had one season. And now the beginning of meteorological spring. Soon flowers will be bursting forth with a cacophony of color. What a change from the impressive, black and white/pen and ink drawing, landscape of winter. One…

  • Crimson in a Black and White Landscape

    Crimson in a Black and White Landscape

    Late May into June they go from tiny bud to minuscule flower. A flower and lots of buds of Winterberry (Ilex verticillata). A deciduous species of Holly native to eastern North America in the United States and southeastern Canada. And now in WINTER a big splash of color. Crimson berries that attract oodles of birds…

  • The PawPaw Patch

    The PawPaw Patch

    PawPaw (Asimina triloba). An understory small tree or large bush. Native to eastern North America. There are patches of them here and there up here in the mountains. And for a few years I had three or four individual PawPaw trees growing in my yard. Ones that I had planted. I was thoroughly enjoying them.…