Category: Pileated Woodpecker

  • In Defense of Poison Ivy

    In Defense of Poison Ivy

    I know, I know. I understand. It grows where I don’t want it. The NERVE. It makes me itch just to look at it and heaven forbid if its oil gets on someone else’s sleeve and that sleeve brushes against me. But Poison Ivy is a native, and native birds love the berries. Afternoon after…

  • Lucky Bird Day

    Lucky Bird Day

    Today was a lucky bird kind of day. And I didn’t even step outside. Mid-day I spotted a Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) in one of the huge oak trees in front of my cabin. Not at all unusual here, but to see one, a HUGE and BEAUTIFUL bird, is to stop everything to admire the…