Category: Rain

  • The Night of Frogs

    The Night of Frogs

    The title of today’s blog post brings to mind a movie that I recently watched, “Frogs” which is a 1972 horror film that was shown on Svengoolie. Like nearly all of Svengoolie’s movies, this one was certainly not scary but then, I promise you, this post will not be scary either unless you are totally…

  • Much Needed Rain

    Much Needed Rain

    It’s been so dry. Rain has been forecast this day and that day and it has not happened. But today the weather gods came through for me. Just a few minutes and POOF! half an inch of rain had fallen. The precipitation added sparkle to the feathery foliage of asparagus in the vegetable garden. I…

  • Catbrier and Beautyberry

    It has been so dry, but yesterday brought a glorious 1/4 inch of rain. Hallelujah! That rain brings a brief moment of relief to suffering vegetation. The rain also brings beauty to the landscape. I love what rain does to colors, deepens them, makes them more rich. But of course more rich! Those colors are decorated with…