Category: Skeletonizing

  • Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillar

    Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillar

    Hickory Tussock Moths (Lophocampa caryae) are native to northeastern North America down to North Carolina and a few even wander to Texas and down into Mexico. These photos are their larvae, their caterpillars. Hickory Tussock Moths have just one generation per year. Eggs are laid in clusters of 100 or beyond, on the undersides of…

  • Northern Walkingstick

    Northern Walkingstick

    It wasn’t too long ago that I became aware there was an insect called a “walkingstick.” A creature that I would have marveled at as a child. During my growing up years I spent loads of time in the woods, but never did I see such a thing. I’m delighted now that I know about…