Category: Small Tree

  • More on Hop-hornbeam

    More on Hop-hornbeam

    A couple days ago I told you about a bit about the bark of Hop-hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana). When the tree is young its bark is red/brown with horizontal lenticels giving it the appearance of a Cherry Tree. As the tree matures the bark changes to a pale gray/brown and becomes quite shreddy with narrow strips.…

  • The PawPaw Patch

    The PawPaw Patch

    PawPaw (Asimina triloba). An understory small tree or large bush. Native to eastern North America. There are patches of them here and there up here in the mountains. And for a few years I had three or four individual PawPaw trees growing in my yard. Ones that I had planted. I was thoroughly enjoying them.…

  • American Plum

    American Plum

    A meander up the mountain two days ago. The Trilliums would be blooming. I found them, white turning to soft, delicate pink. Always special. But I noticed a small tree full of airy blooms way up there near where I usually turn around. Flowers I didn’t recognize. As is my custom I took photos and…