A Sunflower and a Monarch
A perfect day. A Sunflower and a Monarch.
Long-Bracted Tickseed Sunflower
All along the roadsides. Rich warm yellow greets the cars and trucks that pass. Long-bracted Tickseed Sunflower (Biden polylepis). It’s native to eastern and central United States and south-central Canada. The leaves of Long-Bracted Tickseed Sunflower are quite distinctive, with sharply toothed margin, opposite and pinnately compound. These flowers bloom from late summer to early fall. Attracting all sorts of…
Sunflower (Helianthus). The happy flower. You bet. Today would have been my Dad’s 96th birthday. He LOVED sunflowers. He loved to grow huge sunflowers! This post is a salute to my Dad’s favorite flower. A flower that’s popular with many creatures including bees. A flower that brings on the butterflies. A flower that inspires artists.…