Category: Winged Sumac

  • Red-banded Hairstreak

    Red-banded Hairstreak

    Red-banded Hairstreak (Calycopis cecrops) is native to the southeastern United States. As a caterpillar it has an unusual food source, the fallen leaves of Sumacs, Myrtles, some Oaks and other trees. A mighty teeny butterfly, its wingspan is 1 inch to 1.25 inches, though you’ll seldom see it with its wings open. As a butterfly,…

  • Winged Sumac

    Winged Sumac

    Winged Sumac (Rhus copallinum) making a not so subtle statement. Look out! Here it comes! Brilliant leaves here now. Rich red, warm orange, soft yellow. Fall is on its way. Use your observation skills. The colors are here and there. Look. Take note. Hints throughout the woods. Replacing the various shades of green with the…