Category: Wintery Conditions

  • Mother Nature’s Art

    Mother Nature’s Art

    When there is a weather forecast that includes freezing rain or snow or simply freezing temperatures, I’m all set, so is my camera. A vernal pool is a wonderful canvas for great artwork. Freezing temperatures and moisture, a magical mix. Mother Nature has created an ear worm! I’m hearing, “earth below us drifting falling” and…

  • Intrepid Daffodil

    Intrepid Daffodil

    In the garden today – the intrepid daffodil. Sending fingers up to test out conditions. Or perhaps their bulbs are sending up periscopes to see if it’s safe. But for Daffodils things are just fine. They can take most anything. Even snow in late March. Tough as nails they stand up to wintery conditions. Surprise…