Collared Lizard

Three Rivers Petroglyph Site, in the middle of New Mexico, between Tularosa, and Carrizozo. One of my favorite places to be. To see what is happening there in the world of nature. To be amazed by what happened back in 200-1450 AD, when beautiful artwork was created by Jornada Mogollon people. Over 21,000 petroglyphs just waiting to be seen, waiting to inspire awe.

Here in the world of nature, of Three Rivers, is a Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris). A creature that didn’t flinch as I crept closer and closer to get a photo. They grow to be 8 to 14 inches in length. They eat a variety of insects, spiders, scorpions, and other lizards.

What a great experience. A solitary experience. Nature, art from long ago, just waiting to be discovered. To inspire. Time and again.


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