Common Buckeye Butterfly

A beauty in the world of butterflies. Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia). It’s common in the southern states, along the California coast and in central America. Also found in other areas of the US, though not as commonly seen.

Here at my cabin I see the Common Buckeye butterfly on apple mint, which is what it’s on in all three of these photos, and on various species of aster.

Common Buckeyes don’t depend on just a single larval host for their eggs and caterpillars but many. A few of these host plants are snapdragon, plantain, ruellia, and toadflax. I look forward to seeing these butterflies every year, and most years I do get to see them. I’ve got my fingers crossed for this year.

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2 responses to “Common Buckeye Butterfly”

  1. common Nae, Uncommonly beautiful and represent one of the happier expressions of life in our landscape. Even the Latin name of it if said with a certain Jene se qua ….well sort of attitude, sums up the beauty of the charismatic beast. try it in Latin you wanna go onna