Compound Leaves

From Oxford Lanuages, the definition of a compound leaf: a leaf of a plant consisting of several or many distinct parts (leaflets) joined to a single stem.

The Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) has compound leaves, up to 24 inches long, often ending with two leaflets rather than the single leaflet that one might expect. There are sometimes up to 23 leaflets, with finely serrated edges, making up a leaf.

A participant of autumn color, turning yellow earlier than many of the other trees.

While the leaves are on the trees, they create beautiful, intricate patterns against the blue sky. Those patterns captivate me. One of these days I should do a painting of those patterns.

Their journey into autumn has begun, some leaflets turning from rich green to striking yellow individually, as leaflets. Not as a whole leaf. Doing their own thing, falling to the ground independent of the others.


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2 responses to “Compound Leaves”

  1. your poetry says it all. “Their journey into autumn has begun”. thank you for the images and the imagery and imagination.