Like High Noon at the OK Corral. A Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) sizes up its competition, a Chickadee (Paridae) and a Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus). Two pipsqueaks.

As intimidation begins, Chickadee excuses itself. Leaving Downy Woodpecker and Carolina Wren to a showdown.

Downy Woodpecker poofs its wing feathers. While Carolina Wren proceeds to enjoy the suet.

Downy Woodpecker draws upon its dramatic training and sweeps its wings open. While Carolina Wren ignores the theatrics.

And the winner is declared. The smaller and obstinate Carolina Wren tells the Downy Woodpecker to get in line and wait its turn.
2 responses to “Downy Woodpecker and Hierarchy”
Hi! Although the Chickadee’s don’t put up a fight, they’re the only visitors to my Garrett County feeders that will come down and either say hello or scold me when I put out fresh sunflower seeds. I get scolded if the feeders have been empty for too long.
Hi Bill! Aren’t the Chickadees so precious and friendly! Another that is even more friendly and not afraid of me at all (to the point of landing on the feeder before I even have it place on its post, or in a tree) is the Red-breasted Nuthatch. I don’t see them EVERY winter since they are an irruptive species, only showing up when their usual food supply is lower than usual. Hoping you have gotten to see them.
Thanks for reading my posts.