Eastern Phoebe

Watching for a meal, on a post next to the garden. An Eastern Phoebe, Sayornis phoebe, is a perfect friend to have around. A loner, even as mated pairs they spend little time together. A loner, finding insects to wolf down, she relies on insects for sustenance most of the year. When it is too chilly, and insects are hard to find, she resorts to eating berries.

Here on my mountain, she nests year after year in the same spot – under the eaves of the woodshop. It will be the female who builds her nest, or in this case repairs her nest as is necessary. She will lay 2 to 6 eggs in 1 or 2 broods. Normally I see 2 broods each year, and then – POOF – they are gone, with the exception of the one who will help me keep insects at bay.


4 responses to “Eastern Phoebe”

  1. Those are beautiful shots! You must have a really good telephoto lens and a steady hand, to say nothing of the patience to wait her out.

    I enjoy your postings even if I don’t comment.

  2. Hahaha! Thanks Nancy! I do have a lens that I love, a 400mm that is normally set up in my dining room, on a tripod. It looks out the window waiting for something interesting to come by. The capture of the nest – the lens and a different camera came outside with me AND the tripod. That is how it looks as though I have a steady hand!

    So glad you enjoy my ramblings. No comments necessary but I love hearing from you!

  3. LOVE! We had a Phoebe make a nest in the eaves of our little cabin on the lake. She had chicks and then one day — POOF as you say — they were gone and I hope they fledged and that something did not get them. They seemed a little young to fledge. I guess if she nests there again next year, I’ll know she raised them successfully. I love to watch them hunt!

    • Hi Kathy!

      Aren’t they wonderful to have around. I LOVE it that they return to the same nest site year after year, particularly when it is a good nest site – not on the back porch over the porch light! Our woodshop site has been the one that has been used the most.

      So many little helpers eating the insects!

      I love the Phoebe’s little tail flick too! Like a little calling card, “Yes! It’s ME!”