Eastern Tiger Swallowtails Do Not Migrate

The Virginia state insect, the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) doesn’t migrate but hunkers down in leaf litter as a chrysalis and waits out the winter in a state much like hibernation, called diapause.

I don’t have any photographs of the chrysalis stage of the Tiger Swallowtail, but do have an image of a caterpillar stage. From this stage the Swallowtail will transform into a chrysalis. Often this stage will be in leaf litter. And as spring arrives, on a schedule of its own, a Tiger Swallowtail butterfly will emerge.

In a couple months, as you are contemplating cleaning up your autumn and winter gardens, keep in mind there are possibly all sorts of overwintering critters staying snug and warm in that precious leaf litter. A perfectly tidy garden may not be the best thing!


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