
It was the coldest morning so far this autumn. At 32° not extremely cold but cold enough to please this lover of winter. Driving down the mountain on my way to yoga the changing leaves delighted me with their warm colors. Water running through the gravel and dirt of the road hadn’t gotten an opportunity to freeze. It will be ice one of these mornings soon. As I got to the lower elevations, into the pools of colder air I was a greeted by a delightful expanse of scintillating frost covering everything. Even house’s roofs were covered with it giving the impression that snow had fallen. At the yoga studio I was able to take closeup pictures of what seemed to be a dusting of sparkling sugar. So nice to have the class get me up and out to see such things.

2 responses to “Frost”

  1. sparkling coat of sugar. or perhaps a hygrophytic glaze of sugary essence.,

  2. a fine sucrotic filigree that is hard for any artist hand to match, requires a minimum of an .003 rapid-o-graph to say the least, not sure the fine structures can be duplicated by the hand of the average man/woman/primate or other owners of opposable thumbs.
    This mornings windshield frost etchings, like your noted leaves, where sublime (pun on sublimation intended) . As the definition of crystalline structures was something to be truly taken into and transcribed into the synaptic map of the observer. Again Brenda, I find a joy in the postings you make, both because they are joyous to me but also cause you seem to see everything I see but have the where with all to communicate what you see… You’re a Journalistic Artist for the Natural World…. thanks…. Ken c.