Gardening With Nature In Mind

Here’s a Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) enjoying my gardens which have not been cleaned up. All the seedheads are still out there, making those seeds available to birds that are searching for a meal.

Another thing that doesn’t happen in my yard – I never rake leaves. Butterflies, moths, lightning bugs, bees, salamanders, frogs, and even some bats are in the leaves, seeking shelter until spring arrives. Leaving those leaves undisturbed will give those creatures a chance to live through the winter to emerge in the spring.

So much to consider for the sake of Mother Nature. It is my pleasure to help her.


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2 responses to “Gardening With Nature In Mind”

  1. Dear Brenda and Bill,
    Thank you for the card and introducing me to this site.
    I’m going to forward the site URL to a friend of mine who likes taking pictures of birds as a Christmas gift to him.

    • Hi Seung! How wonderful that you got the card so quickly! I dropped it off at the post office late Thursday morning. Thank you for spreading word about my blog. BTW we’ve noticed that you now have solar panels on your roof. We also have solar panels which we got installed about a year ago. One step forward for solar energy.

      Wishing you the best for the holidays.