Green Frog

One of my dear little friends sitting by the pond. Sitting perfectly still hoping that I continue on my way. Hoping that I don’t give away its position at the edge of the water. Silently telling me to go away. Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans). Living in the pond along with many other creatures. I haven’t checked lately to see what the status is, but there had been green frog eggs, wood frog eggs and the eggs of eastern red-spotted newts. I know that some have turned into tadpoles. Even the red-spotted newts will turn into tadpoles continuing as water dwellers before developing to their next life stage as a terrestrial (juvenile) eft, and then back to the pond growing into an aquatic adult. The pond also has a few aquatic adult red-spotted newts. That’s all that I know about right now. Quite a busy place for such a little pond. Insects — look out!

2 responses to “Green Frog”

  1. Oh, I cannot wait to hear the frogs at Paradise North! It is a live symphony every night and such a treat. So nice to see a healthy Green Frog! Thank you for sharing Brenda.