No falling today, even though I’m out in The Incredible World of Ice and Snow. Walking in it feels like walking in a landscape filled with ice cubes. But OMG how beautiful.

And along with the occasional drip drip drip there’s also the loud sound of snow and ice CRASHING to the glazed forest floor, and then CHITTER CHITTER CHITTER as the ice tumbles down the mountain on the slick surface of ice and cold under the trees.

Repeating over and over and once again over. Almost comical and entertaining. For me seeking a distraction from the hum drum of pandemic. Seeking out Mother Nature’s comfort.

And then the visuals, THICK ICE. My footsteps shattering the ice, as if breaking a mirror, and sinking into the soft snow which doesn’t make a sound. Only the SHATTER CRUNCH of my steps. My tracks now CRACKED GLASS-like in the snow.

All the branches of all the trees thickly coated with bumpy ice.

And now the needles that are sheltered by larger collections of pine needles. Not covered in ice but FROSTED BANNERS. TINY FLAGS all perfectly still in their fluttering. RIME ICE. So delicate. So tiny compared to the THICK ICE.

I could have stayed out all day long but it was lunch time.
2 responses to “Ice Storm After 4.5 Inches of Snow”
As a snow and ice lover, I loved seeing the pictures of what you saw on your recent walk. I haven’t been brave enough to venture out, since so much of my landscape near the house is slippery. I loved seeing your ability to wander around!
Hi Merry,
Peeking out through my cabin windows was just torture for me. What I saw within easy view was so beautiful but I knew there was MORE out there and it was calling to me. I was mighty cautious because like I said in my post it was like walking on a pile of ice cubes. It was so rewarding though. And it didn’t come anywhere near falling! Whew!
Thanks bunches for reading my posts!