In my yard I’ve got a good number of mature blueberry bushes. Twelve? Fourteen? Enough that I can stock my freezer with loads of quarts of luscious berries to last throughout the year. And the birds? They’re welcome to their share. I love that the berries entice them.

Of the birds that come to enjoy the berries some are frequent visitors that I know well. A cardinal, a perfect example. Other birds don’t often make their presence known depending on the magic of camouflage to hide from my attentive eyes. A female scarlet tanager blending right in.

Each of the seasons provides a different aspect. A different way to appreciate the berries, the bushes. Winter with the buds anticipating the following spring develop sometimes encased in ice.

Winter as the rusty-red branches provide an accent to the snow that falls.

Spring with buds creamy white. Spring with buds soft red.

Spring and her blooms. A pollinators’ playground.

And then there’s summer. You know what that means.

Harvesting and eating.

Autumn celebrates with a brilliant palette. Sumptuous warm colors that tell me there is more to come with each season.
Can you tell? I am in love with blueberries and their bushes.
4 responses to “In Praise of Blueberries”
Brenda. I share the love of blueberries as you now. Can you tell me what variety has the pink/pale red blossoms?
Hi Nancy,
I sure wish I knew. When we put all our blueberry bushes in I was a “much less into such things” kind of person. I kept no records and now I totally appreciate the wide variety of fruit and the appearance of flowers, twigs etc.
In searching on the internet, I can find nothing. It’s as if those bushes just don’t exist. Total mystery.
So sorry Nancy.
Thanks bunches for reading my posts!
As you probably know, I share your love of blueberries! The birds being attracted to the bushes is a plus, and the bears being attracted is a minus (at least to me!).
Your pictures of blueberry bushes and their fans were wonderful!
Hi Merry!
Thanks bunches for your kind words.
Fortunately (as I knock on wood) the bears don’t seem interested in the blueberry bushes. I’m thinking it is because the bushes are here right against the cabin. ??? When there are apples in the apple tree, and cherries in the cherry tree, they sure do climb up THOSE TREES!
Thanks so much for reading my posts.