Incredible Blue

This morning I saw the first Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) of the season. In this species, the male is a beautiful blue, while the female is soft earth tones.

It’s just the beginning of the return to the Indigo Bunting breeding grounds, coming all the way from southern Florida and some coming from as far as South America. During their migration they fly at night using the stars for navigation. Amazing.


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4 responses to “Incredible Blue”

    • Hi Bonnie!

      Isn’t the Indigo Bunting one beautiful bird?!!! I used to see them as I biked along The W&OD Trail in Northern Virginia, and now, living here in the woods of central Virginia, they come to “visit me” every summer.

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts — and I absolutely LOVE hearing from you!

    • Oh Jo! Thank you so much for saying that. Truth be told though — I am just one step ahead of you. I’m learning with every post I make. There is so very much to learn about Mother Nature and her world!

      Sure am glad you are in my Wednesday yoga class, AND Spanish too! 🙂

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts.