Is This A White-throated Sparrow?

This handsome little bird showed up at the bird bath today. It’s a White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis).

But this is also a White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). Same species, but two different color morphs. The first image, a white-striped, and the second image, a tan-striped. A coloration that stays with each White-throated Sparrow for life. About 50% of males are white-striped and 50% are tan-striped. And likewise, 50% of females are white-striped and 50% are tan-striped.

Researchers have found that personality comes into play as well, with these color morphs. They have found that the white-striped White-throated Sparrows are more aggressive while the tan-striped White-throated Sparrows are more nurturing.

Such a complicated world of White-throated Sparrows.


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4 responses to “Is This A White-throated Sparrow?”

  1. Thanks for this one, Brenda. I used to have these White-throated Sparrows when I first came down. I was identifying only by the heads and throats, never even noticed that there was a difference in color of the stripes. Will pay more attention now.


    • Hi Nancy,

      I failed to mention that White-throated Sparrows are winter birds for us. Maybe that will help you in your search. Don’t think about them in the summer, when they’re up in Canada.

      Wishing you the very best of the holidays – and stay WARM!

      I thoroughly enjoy having you as one of my readers.

  2. Very interesting and valuable to know. I have so much trouble iding sparrows. I so appreciate your blogs. Happy Holidays!

    • Hi Barry!

      I sure appreciate your input on my posts. Indeed sparrows can be a challenge. I really treasure getting so many photographs of the birds around here, since it is a tremendous help in figuring out who I’ve captured.

      Have warm and wonderful holidays, though that (the “warm” part) has become a bit of a challenge with this weather!

      I appreciate having you as one of my readers!