Joe Pye Weed

Native to eastern and central North America, Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium) blooms for us toward the end of summer. A tall one, often growing to between 5 and 7 feet tall.

And if you’re curious, as I was, there is this from the New York Times. “AS the story goes, there once was an Indian medicine man named Joe Pye who used concoctions from a wild plant found growing in the nearby woods to cure typhoid fever. His brew is said to have halted an epidemic that raged in Colonial Massachusetts. Hence this local plant became forever known as joe-pye weed.”

Joe Pye Weed attracts an assortment of pollinators, including Skippers (Hesperiidae), one of which I’ve included here and in the image below.

The nectar of the flowers attract the Skippers, as well as Honey Bees, Butterflies, Moths, and other Bee species. Occasionally the flowers can be fragrant.

A very attractive flower for the month of August.


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2 responses to “Joe Pye Weed”

  1. We went for a ride in the mountains of North Carolina today. Joe Pye was so abundant. I also saw a lot of Mountain Mint. It is definitely August. Looks like we are starting to wind up the summer in a few weeks.