Lobelia inflata

Incredibly tiny flowers that grow on slightly hairy stems. At just 1/3 inch long the flowers would be perfect for a dollhouse. Lobelia inflata flowers are a beautiful shade of pale blue-purple. Native to eastern North America.

A bit of conflict on the Internet regarding whether Lobelia inflata is poisonous or not. More sites say it is than the ones that say it is not. My suggestion, don’t eat any part of this plant.

Lobelia inflata is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant that likes moist areas and sunshine. Given its favored conditions it can grow to 3 feet tall. But still those flowers are mighty small.

As the flowers one by one fade, the seed pods grow and expand like small balloons. These seeds pods are an indication that you’ve come upon the right plant. You have come upon Lobelia inflata.

2 responses to “Lobelia inflata”

  1. Brenda,

    This plant is being considered for the 3rd edition of The Socrates Project.
    Can we use these pictures . Please !