
It doesn’t happen often. Deciduous trees that hang onto their leaves through the winter, marcescence. These trees fail to create the abscission layer at the base of the leaf stem, that is, the layer that helps the plant release those leaves (also the layer that will initiate the release of flowers or fruits). It will happen in some species of Oak trees, Eastern Hophornbeam, American Beech, and Hornbeam along with a few others. Those leaves hang on, but come spring, new growth will push the old leaves off the tips of the branches to the ground. In the photo above, taken today, a White Oak (Quercus alba) shows off its marcescent leaves.


2 responses to “Marcescence”

    • Aw, thanks Jo! The more I use it, the more sure I am I will remember it Jo! The young White Oaks and the Beech trees, look for them. They’re out there with their leaves on!

      Thanks for reading my posts!