Meteorological Autumn

It started just over a week ago, and some leaves are playing their part perfectly. Meteorological autumn has begun. Temperatures are cooling. Days, little by little, are getting shorter.

Trees of the forest pick up on these signals. They know it’s time to get ready for the cold that will descend upon them. Prepare for winter. Stop producing that green chlorophyll, and let the leaves become brilliant red, yellow and many shades of orange.

These leaves, of Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), have picked up on the signals quickly.

6 responses to “Meteorological Autumn”

  1. Thanks, Brenda. I am heading to the woods here in Maryland today. Your posts brighten my day.

    • Hi John! Hoping you had a wonderful day. These past couple days have been incredibly beautiful. I can hardly believe how very beautiful!

      Thank you for your kind words about my posts. Sharing my thoughts and my photographs brings me great joy.


  2. I have a problem with meteorological autumn, as well as the other meteorological seasons as they are, to me, useless statements. Here in central Va. I suggest in the rough that Autumn may begin around the week of November 9th. That would be our climatological or apparent solar time when the sun truly begins its slide towards Dec 21 the Winter Equinox. These dates are expressions of energy inputs and outputs and various lag times and energy flows and hence have ecological meaning rather than saying Sept 1 is the first day of Autumn and Nov 31 is the last and Dec 1st is the first day of meteorological winter. Astronomical/Solar and climatological/biogeo-energy flows are all orchestrated by factors of earth sun relations and particulars of geography and not necessarily the Calendar. just being picky. Any comments about this pro or con would be heartily appreciated, especially comments directed at energy flows and regional and global responses such primary, 2ndary, tertiary circulation patterns and phenological responses to them….

    • Hi Ken!

      I’ve read that meteorological seasons have to do with temperatures. However I’m going with my HEART and not any logic or science. I look forward to, and long for each season as it approaches. Meteorological seasons allow me to think that it is actually that season, even though according to the sun in the sky or rules that I might tend to ignore say otherwise. A head start on the next and more exciting season.

      My heart is my guide. Phooey on anything that doesn’t allow me to follow my heart. AND my favorite season? Winter.

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts and putting up with my thoughts!

      • your heart is an excellent and indisputable guide but when the Weather Service labels something as meteorological such and such just to use the word meteorological, it is vexing. I do understand your joy of seasons truly applaud your joy and wonderment of the vitality each season brings to the landscape but the scientific approach to some of this stuffe is equally fascinating and the less confusion brought about the easier it is counter the jugheads who believe any counterproductive theory heard or seen on disreputable sources. I do consider your blog to be of the highest quality and a happiness provider to all who follow it…

        • Oh Ken, thank you! I try to bring sunshine and cheer. The world is much too gloomy if one looks in that direction.

          Thanks bunches for reading my posts which I try very hard to slant toward the good stuff in our world.
