More Traffic On The Road

Last night I posted a blog about a turkey on my road, but I didn’t mention that this sort of “traffic” is not unusual. Last night’s turkey, and these, above, are Domestic Turkeys.

There’s another sort of turkey traffic too. Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo). Though the Domestic Turkeys tend to stay away from the woods further up the road, the Wild Turkeys are more often seen up here in the woods.

And then there are chickens that cross the road. I have no idea why they cross the road. Other than to get to the other side.

But my very favorite traffic crossing the road, over all the years I’ve been up here, these little pigs that decided to take a stroll. I’ve only seen them once, but I’m so glad I was able to capture an image.

4 responses to “More Traffic On The Road”

    • Hahahaha! Yes, indeed! Even back so long ago, I can’t imagine this happening on Kilmer Street! I think I live in the middle of nowhere (and love it!)

      Happy Holidays to you and your precious family.
      Thanks bunches for reading my posts!