It’s been so dry. Rain has been forecast this day and that day and it has not happened. But today the weather gods came through for me. Just a few minutes and POOF! half an inch of rain had fallen. The precipitation added sparkle to the feathery foliage of asparagus in the vegetable garden. I can just imagine a big cheer coming from the plants that have patiently been waiting for the moisture. I’m cheering too.
4 responses to “Much Needed Rain”
Alleluia! It was fast and furious while it lasted.
Gary, so so so GOOD to get the rain! And MAYBE our road is still there!
Thanks bunches for reading my posts!
the rain god’s name is Nimbus, in case you wanted to know,,,,,that’s per the internat, meteo org,
Hi Ken! Now that you mention it, I do recall that Nimbus is the rain god’s name. I’ll have to drop him a note of thanks. BTW, in my first job at Goddard Space Flight Center I worked for the Nimbus Weather Satellites.
Thanks bunches for reading my posts!