Much Sought After

Late April into very early May is when Morels, in the Morchella genus, are in the woods up here, waiting to be found. As if the Easter Bunny had placed them to be found. Rain helps them sprout up through the soil.

Though edible, Morel consumption needs to be approached with caution. They contain a toxin which is destroyed during cooking. So, never eat raw Morels. Also it’s quite possible to have an allergic reaction to Morels. When consuming them for the first time, proceed with caution. Only a small amount to begin with.

I live in the woods but that is not the only place that Morels are found. I once found one growing in my yard in Arlington, Virginia. A total, bewildering thrill to me.

Being a photographer, my interest in Morels is simply in their beauty. I collect Morels in photographs, for the most part without eating them.
