Nodding Onion (Allium cernuum) are abloom right now, surely to the delight of many fairies in the wood.

Bees are attracted to the blossoms. But in facing down, the blooms discourage other pollinators which hesitate to hang upside down to feed on the nectar or pollen. Nodding Onion is native to North America.

Though a beauty to gaze upon, the bulb and grass-like leaves of Nodding Onion have an oniony scent. Not the floral scent one would expect from such a charming pink blossom.
2 responses to “Nodding Onion”
The final photo is spectacular!
For some reason it brought to mind close-ups of snowflakes. Water and geometry, I guess.
Steve, thanks ever so much for your compliment on that last image. And indeed, I do love all three. Snowflakes because they are my favorite thing – snow. Water because in the form of rain it does something magical to the world of nature as I roam with my camera. AND geometry which totally intrigues me in so many ways. Perhaps Mr McAlpine, my geometry teacher in junior high school, would laugh to hear that I now love geometry. Surely HE couldn’t tell back then!
Thanks for reading my ramblings!