Not Quite

Today’s weather, not quite what I was hoping for. Yes, this morning there was first sleet, then freezing rain. But in what seemed like the blink of an eye it was gone. Turned to just rain. Actually it did happen more slowly than that, but by mid-afternoon the winter glam and glitter was gone.

Ah well. We’ve got nearly the whole winter to look forward to for that glam and glitter. I will be patient.


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2 responses to “Not Quite”

  1. I was equally disappointed! However, our weather reports didn’t get my hopes up. I’m going to remain optimistic that we will have better chances for white stuff this winter! And I will light my snow candle and hope for the best!

  2. at first my excitement was a reminder of childhood when a storm approached and I hadn’t done any homework, A reprieve from school, a snow day. Then upon seeing the mornings landscape, the thinness or absence of white cover, oh the let down.
    Now in my dotage, my disappointment at our thin morning covering is somehow buoyed by the happiness of not having the opportunity for the inevitable heart attack which, in the long term is also sort of balanced by missing the calm cold air, peaceful muffled sound of deep snow being shoveled off, the good feeling of clearing off the house and driveway whilst roads are still impassible. all things to be weighed and measured the joy and struggle and joie de vie. (excuse the bad French spelling, I don’t know no French).