A jewel toned beauty in a spider. Tiny too. Orchard Orb-weaver Spider (Leucauge). Most males are smaller than females. The males are about an eighth of an inch long. The female about a quarter inch long. Tiny.

I’ve happened upon these spiders on several visits to central Florida. I believe these are females because their bodies are about a quarter inch in length.

They are hard workers, consuming things that often are pests to us humans, such as flies, moths, beetles, wasps and mosquitoes. Some of the pests they eat are a help to farmers, pests that would otherwise damage commercial crops. Good to see them.
4 responses to “Orchard Orb-weaver Spider”
beautiful arachnid, beautiful picture
Thanks bunches Ken! There’s so much BEAUTY in Nature. I try my best to capture what I can, though these spiders were a challenge with a body at just 1/4 inch!
Thanks for reading my posts!
Wonderful photos Brenda. These little jewels sparkle all over my new Florida garden! Lucky me.
Thanks for the compliment on the photos Kathy. These tiny critters are quite the challenge for me and my camera, but I try and try. The only place I see them is down at Mom’s so you must be there, in their favorite place! SO LUCKY for sure, since they are so beautiful!
Thanks bunches for reading my posts!