Our Native Violets, Host Plants to Fritillaries

Great Spangled Fritillary

Something important to think about. Our native violets are the most important host plant for caterpillars of many Fritillary Butterflies.

Great Spangled Fritillary

And for a good number of them these violets are their only host plant.

Great Spangled Fritillary

Fritillary Butterflies fall into one of two genuses. Either Greater or Lesser. And as you might expect the larger of the butterflies are in the Greater category, or genus Speyeria. The Greater Fritillaries are a group of fourteen species. One of those species is the Great Spangled Fritillary.

Variegated Fritillary

The Variegated Fritillary is one of the Lesser Fritillaries. And of course is a smaller butterfly. There are sixteen butterfly species in this genus, Bolloria. Though it certainly has a similar coloring to the Great Spangled Fritillary which can be confusing, I know.

Variegated Fritillary

All fourteen of the Greater Fritillaries depend entirely on violets as their host plant. Which means their caterpillars will only survive by eating leaves of violet plants.

Variegated Fritillary

The Lesser Fritillaries’ caterpillars do also eat violet leaves but will eat other things as well such as passionflower.

Common Blue Violet

Violets are not a nectar source for butterflies but considering their role as a host plant for their caterpillars, violets are very important in the world of butterflies.

Downy Yellow Violet

Keep this in mind as you’re out weeding in your garden. Perhaps you can let some violets into that precious space.

Field Pansy

Keep this in mind as you’re looking over your perfect lawn. Perhaps you can let some violets in here and there.

Sand Violet

Or perhaps there is some shady spot in your yard where violets would love to share your world and help out Fritillaries.

6 responses to “Our Native Violets, Host Plants to Fritillaries”

  1. Our backyard is loaded with splotches of violets now. Ana Luisa’s favorite!

    • Gary, I remember well, that Ana Luisa’s favorite flower is the violet and I think of her often all through the year as the determined little flowers bloom!

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts and watch out for those cardinals!

  2. This is my favorite post since I signed up – the photographs are dazzling! And as always, I have learned something by reading the text. Thanks for your efforts!