Today at the Birdbath
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata), a winter visitor. I don’t see them at the feeders. Sunflower seeds, jelly, raisins, suet, and peanut butter are said to attract them but here on the mountain I am having no luck except with the bird bath. I sure am glad they enjoy that. The Yellow-rumped Warblers do eat berries…
Pileated Woodpecker
Well THAT certainly was strange. The poor Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) trapped between the glass of the window and the screen which he has just crashed through. This afternoon we were in the living room when we heard a very loud thump. We immediately went to the porch, knowing that sound. The thump of a…
Colorado Blue Spruce
A little bird, a Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), sits atop a Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea pungens) as if it were the tree topper on a Christmas tree, trying to ask you, “What is YOUR favorite Christmas tree?” I’m a very visual person so my choice of Christmas tree depends entirely on how it looks. Soft needles…
Iced Witch Hazel
With temperatures up to 73° two days ago, yesterday’s temperatures were a pleasant surprise (says the lover of winter), fluctuating around 30° with nothing registering higher than 31°. But it was raining lightly with very little icing, and no snow. That was a weird disappointment. Last night though ice happened. My world was covered in…
I often meet the nicest people at the dump (and recycling center, THAT makes it sound better). And I often also see Vultures there. There are two species of Vultures in Virginia, Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) and Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura). There are subtle differences between the two, some of which you can even see…
Christmas Cards
Christmas cards are something that I’ve created for years. No telling how long it has been, just many many years. All year long I’m wondering what will be my choice as December draws near. It’s early in the year and though the high temperature today was 73° there’s a chance of weather appropriate for the…
Common Blue Violets
Today, again, I’m doing the ever present task of “housekeeping” or organizing my photographs. Aside from the prime benefit of doing this chore, being able to find some particular photo when I need it, it also gives me the opportunity to see images that I took long ago. Ones that I had forgotten about. Ones…
Thinking about Mayapples
While doing some “housework” with my photographs this afternoon I came upon this image of a Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum). Not remarkable on its own, but with the knowledge of the date it is something to take note of. That date, just five days from today. The end of February. February 26, 2018. That really took…
The Pink Clubhouse. Stellafane Amateur Telescope Makers Convention. A big wonderful Star party. The convention is usually scheduled over the weekend of the new moon closest to the height of the Perseid meteor shower. The first Stellafane Convention was held in 1926 and has been held each year since with the exception of 1949 – 1953…
Another Purple Finch Visit
Though the maps show me as being in the winter range of the Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) I seldom see any. But yesterday was my lucky day. There were two males and a female at one of my feeders. Black oil sunflowers seeds are on the top of the list for what they like at…