Warm Autumn Color
Warm colors of autumn. Dancing Sassafras trees. Toffee yellow Maple leaves. The trails call to me.
American Beech in Autumn
Oh it is so very nice to be back in autumn again. I spent a few days traveling to Florida and got to experience the change of seasons all over again. I traveled south into summer and green green green. Returning yesterday I got the thrill of seeing the mountains covered in their autumn best.…
Learning About Nature
A walk in the woods with The Little One. Learning what is safe to eat. Learning what is not safe at all. In her hands, Blackhaw drupes and Persimmons. Safe.
Chestnut Oak Leaves
Chestnut Oak (Quercus prinus) leaves have undulating edges. Their leaves are alternate. Leaf shape is obovate, or egg-shaped and flat with the narrow end at the base. They’re quite the common sight up here in my woods.
Common Milkweed Seeds
Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca). Fluffy white parachutes waiting for the slightest breeze to take seeds away to the perfect spot to burst forth. To provide sustenance. To give a magic protection for moths and butterflies.
Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense). Horsenettle, is not a true nettle, but a member of the Nightshade family (Solanaceae). Other members of the Nightshade family that you are familiar with are Tomato, Potato, Eggplant, Bell Pepper, and Petunia. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, native to the southeastern United States. It can grow to 2 or 3…
A Stop on the Way
A favorite place to stop on the way to yoga. A favorite place to pull out my camera and get a picture.
Smooth Sumac Revisited
Nothing better than Smooth Sumac doing its thing in autumn. I, along with many birds, love it!
White-throated Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). A few of my White-throated Sparrows have arrived at my feeders. By the time winter has truly arrived there will be many more. There are two color morphs in the White-throated Sparrow, white striped and tan striped. The stripes mentioned are on the top of the head. This one is a…